Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Oh the excitement!!

So...I haven't posted in a while! I have been busy with little Dan and little Ann, knitting, ripping out my knitting, re-knitting, and trying to finish my book!

With the kids, it has been a pretty quite week. Until this evening. Today I started late, and then Gwen, the neighbor lady, and the previous nanny (Cara), went out to dinner to have a good-bye thing for Cara, b/c it is her last week. The kids and I were having pizza and playing at the neighbor's house when little Ann started screaming!! I came running to see what was going on, and she came flying out towards me with blood spouting out of her mouth, and running down all over her. I rushed her home (leaving little dan behind), and got her to tell me what had happened. Long story short, they were playing and something slammed into her already loose tooth! Blood everywhere, and waterworks aside, she asked me to pull it out the rest of the way! I didn't really want to, but I felt it and it was hanging on by a thread, so I pushed it a little and it came out! Now it rests, eageerly awaiting the tooth-fairy! I think that was the most excitement I have had here since i aarived! Talk about adventure!!

As far as my knitting wasgoing, I was examining it and found a hole!! So I proceeded to rip it out and begin again. but with only 6 chapters left of HP I have been giving my attention mostly to the book...which explains why I haven't updated!! But I have only 10 pages to go, and then my life will go back to normal....or my version of it!

oh...P.S. I haven't been able to do the links again...I don't have a chain icon on my page, I just have a spell check option (which may need more use!) and, one to add pictures...nothing that adds links...I guess I will have to call the queen while posting my next blog and have her give me the step by step!

Thanks everyone for your efforts on miss techno challenged!


~Tonia~ said...

What an adventure that you and little Ann had.

When you open up a new post you should have tabs in the upper right hand corner of the posting box. Make sure you click on the "Compose" tab. You should then see "font", "tT", b, i, a T with a color box, a globe with what looks like a chain at the top. That globe is what you are looking for. Highlight the text you want to link, press the globe, then type in the web address that you are wanting to link to and click ok.

Hope that helps. If you have any more questions I can give you the html code to type it in and make it show up. Just email me at thegraves AT seidata DOT com. (of course change the AT to @ and the DOT to .)

Anonymous said...

hhhhm, yeah, i would have ran screaming (and probably whimpering a little) in the opposite direction of litte Ann i think. And people always wonder why we have no kids yet. blood coming out of the mouth or nose gives me instant heart failure.
Glad you are brave!