Monday, February 25, 2008

Munchkin Snow Day!

On Friday, we received about 11 inches of snow at our house! It was cold, but fun too. We got all geared up... warm clothes, and then snow pants, snow coats, snow boots... basically the works, and then ventured out. We went sledding down the little slope in the yard, and we did snow angels, and then we lost gloves and hats in the snow, and got cold and whiny and needed to go in and have...Hot Cocoa!!
It killed a good portion of the afternoon, there were no arguments, and they loved it, and I loved it! Kati loved it too! She was running around like a crazy dog. Eating snow, and playing in snow, but it was really funny when she was running in the snow and she would try to stop on an icy part and she would stop five feet or so past where she intended on stopping. It was very cute!

And then to make the day even better, they asked for a bath...
well sort of, I convinced them that the bathroom was a tropical island, and they could go swimming in the water there, and it would be so warm and fun! They bought it!
It was a very lovely day :)


Lapdog Creations said...

Now that's a GOOD snow day!

Unknown said...

That does sound like a good snow day! Tropical Island indeed! g